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Please Note: Due to Staffing issues, the programs listed below may not be running.

Please check with the community center for current information. Thank you.

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Pool Status     Park Locations

Club house - golf.jpg

If a class or programs requires registration, you can print the pdf form below, complete it, and take it to the community center with any applicable fee. Click the PDF box to display the printable form

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swimming pool - Nevada #3.jpg
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Pool Status

We know this community loves our pool. It's a highlight of summer activities, especially for the kiddos.


However, our pool is sick, and it may well be terminal. The City is working hard to determine just how extensive and costly repairs will be. In 2021 the City spent roughly $80,000 to get the pool opened, only to have to close it three weeks later because of the loss of over 200,000 gallons of water.


The City is asking for patience. Once the above issues are answered, a plan can be developed, and that plan will be shared with the community.

Pool Status
Learn To Swim
Not currently offered through the City
Check with the YMCA - 417 667 9622









Park Locations & Information

Click any park for more information & locations.

radio springs park gazebo.jpg
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